Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nightwish Imaginaerum Premiere or Crazy 28th May

Hi, all!
Now, I am ready to tell you about that crazy and happy day! I can't did it before, because I was fuuull of different emotions and can't tell this story in normal style=) Well, lets go!
My day started very early, beacuse I can't sleep more...Was so nervous. Then I found out about Tuomas and Marco appearance at Rock FM and broke into a run to listen broadcast, which would be started soon. Nightwish men were being late for an 40 minutes, so I have time to make myself look respectable and would be ready to go to the city center, 'cause I wanted to buy some presents to musicians=) The broadcast wasn't so interesting, but I all the same listened it to the end. Then I set off to the city center. There I bought some small presents and be free again, so my mother gave me assignment and I set off again to make it. After making it, the time was to go to the city center again, but now just to the cinema=) There I knew some impostant information and went to drunk coffee. And  then I came back to the cinema, where near it I discover a small crowd of NW fans=)
So, unfortunately, from beginning this premiere I didn't have any person with whome I can to talk and standing alone. But then, when I came closer to the hall, in which had to be a premiere I met some girls, with whome I spent time before premiere. And when premiere finished and started the creative meeting with fans I met COOOL two girls with whome I spent funny time=) Thank you Lisa and Ksusha=)
So, I got my autograph and received another for Dasha=), took some photos with Marco and Tuomas and gave to them my presents! Well, IT WAS GREAT DAY!!!
And photos I will add later!

Monday, May 27, 2013


My iPod is repaired now and I can show you my photos from Kaliningrad=) Enjoy^^
The butterfy gallery, that we visited in the first day there =) The butterflys are real^3

 Take a small trip on the Ferris wheel=) Brr, too high!

 Watching, when our mens have fun on carting=)

 Baltic sea! Here are photos from the Curonian Spit

 The beach=)

 Can't stay so far from see and come much closer=)
 My shoes were wet after staying near water, but I was happy!
 Wonderful forest=)
 And this is the Curonian Lagoon=)

 The dancing forest=) Look at the trees!:)

 The Fishers village


 We were lisnening the body concert here

 The Baltic sea again!

 And this is mee=)

 Sun clock=)