Thursday, January 31, 2013

Really hard days

Hi, all!
 You can't imagine how I was tired on Tuesday and Wendesday.... Really crazy days. I had very important exam on German, but I did it on excelent mark. And composition on Literarure... Ohhh, that was an another story.. The day before, on Tuesday evening I had been writing on that themes at home and had hoped that I took that one.. But on the lesson, unfortunately, I took another. Cryed all first lesson, 'cause my composition was very ggod and I wrote it for 5-6 hours... I was really sad...But I've already written composition on another theme.. Waiting my mark now=)
And I am so happy about my heres views. 1213=) Thank you, dear readers! You make my mood for a much higher as well as Dasha and one person, whose name I don't want to tell you=) Also cover with my friend has sewn=) I show you the part of it, when I will got this video=)
Here is my outfit for training, on which I nevertheless decided to go=) Sorry for quality, I hope I learn how to take this photos well.

Enjoy your evening!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sleeping cat

Well, I promised that I tell you about this day. But... I hoped that photos would have more quality...And from fourth photos now I have only one=) It is sleeping cat, whose owner is my father. Unfortunately, I can't have these animals, 'cause I have my cute little bird=) This cat named Kuzya=) Siberian furry caaaat=) How I said you before I loved him=)
And now is time to go to bed, 'cause tomorrow I will have to repeat my German poem at first lesson. It is phusical education=) Sleep well, my dear readers=)

Monday, January 28, 2013


Yesterday I took some photos of my day: morning, afternoon and evening=) In the morning I always go in fitness club for four-hours training. Because of it I have pain in all my muscles....
Here is photo from gum=) It was third hour=)
 Later, when I came home, the sun was shining too much. My mood was becoming higher and higher=) I love sunny weather very much. But it had been better, if now would have been spring or summer=) Oh, how I wish go to street for rollerskating..
Photo of my wintery court=)
And in the evening I was doing another easy hand-made bracelet, which I going to finish today=) Candles of course=) My mum bought for me 200 pieces from Ikea also she bought 36 aromatized=) Very mystic evening=)
And about today I write you later, when I finish learn by heart German poem for school. Enjoy your day!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unsuccessful shopping

Well, hi!
Yesterday was really hard day, In the evening I and mum went to the big shopping center for buy a new sweater or tunic for me.We spent THREE hours walking  on this hell shopping center. My legs were very tired and brains too.  Okey, now, I want to show you some things on that shops, specifically from H&M and my yesterday outfits: for school and for walking=) I noticed how different I can look in one sweater=)
Lets start!
Outfit for school=) I think I look like a tomboy
 For walking...) I think that is more elegancy)

I wore this T-shirt, but it didn't fit like a glove on me=(
 Cool bag=)
 This bag I found in Stradivarious... These bags alike
 This AC/DC T-shirt I photo for Lesha, 'cause he listens this band=)
 I this is me, wearing one grey sweater.. I think that it was very simple, 'cause I have many alike sweaters in my wardrobe

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sport day

Hi, all!
Today I feel myself like a sportsman, 'cause I had gone on swimming pool for training and then I went to ice-skating=) This day is very COOL! Amazing trainings! Maybe my weight will be smaller tomorrow. I hope=) Also today on Russian at school I drawed my hand. Here is one "metal" photo=)
Rock the world! He-he=)
Also I found my old bones glowes=) Like them, but to ice-skating I wear another glowes with scarf. These are in one color gamma=) Sorry, I don't have photo of them, but of bones...=)

Now, sleep well! I love you all!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

So sad..

..that you didn't hear me. Okay... Here I want to show some photos of today: my outfit, hair-do. And also I want to tell you one secret news. Yesterday I record one cool cover with my friend:) Today he has to "glue" all cover and maybe these days I show you the part of it:) And I hope that in this week I record "Candle fire" with piano=) See very carefully=)
Here are photos:)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My sweeeater

Damn! Damn! Damn! I called in ALL Moscow shops, but in these all them don't have it...Daaaaaaamn! I want it very much... Now, listen to Sabaton..Heavy-power-metal make my mood some higher..
Ghost division
The Art Of War
Primo Victoria

Write me, please

Good afternoon!
Today, when I was seaching on web I found this cool terry sweater=) Maybe I will buy it in the internet shop:3
I will be able to go to school in this sweater... And now I try to made myself do history, algebra and geometry... Also I have to finish my literature translation of one page "Once upon a Nightwish". But I want to sit in web. Ha-ha! 
It too sad, that I don't see any comments in this blog, but, but, but... So, it is only my problem. Maybe you will be some more active, 'cause very sad undertand that you are boring or not interesting for other people...
And today I want to show you one German song. BlutengelReich mir die Hand=)
This is clip on it=)Maybe it is so dark and not for children, but song is really nice! Enjoy your day!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Some thinks

At school I had some evil thinks for my school english teacher. Soooo, she hasn't just know that she will prepare me for GFA - goverment final or total attestation, whick I will be write in 9th grade and for UGE -united government exam, which will be in 11th grade=) He-he!=) She also consider that I know english only for two or three (but my mark is 4, I never had any three's in the final term of total mark). I think that exactle my knowledge is not less than 4=) Maybe I am very opinionated.. I want to be Finnish-English translator or simple from Scandinavic  languages. And I love, love english, but no how we learn it on school. I haven't got good relations with teacher. Maybe you have amy problems at school with teachers? I hope that no=) Enjoy your day!


Firstly, yesterday I don't go to ice-skating, because of snowfall. But maybe I will go to skate today=) Now, I want to show, how been our roads yesterday, 'cause it too funny^^ White streets are very beautiful... I feel myself like in a fairytale=)
Aaaaand I want to say to Dasha, who today have a trial testing, which is very important:
"You know all your biology themes! And you will have the highest mark! I am sure! Do not get discouraged! "
Oh, for you free readers, I want to wish the coolest weekend! Rock it all!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Hey, weekend!

Hi, all!
The weekend will start tomorrow, but I don't have any plans. Only for today! I will go ice-skate=) Love it! I was taught figure skating from 3 to 5 and I think that I skate very well=) I can jump, do turns=) I learn it by myself=) Hmm... Today our street full of snow. In the morning it was difficult to go to school. I'll show you some photos today in the evening with photos from ice-skating=) Hope, you have very cool days! Enjoy your day!
Oh, I forgot to tell you that since today I've sat on the diet. I can't eat more sweets and don't eat after 6 o'clock=) Also I will go to the gym and on more traings in fitness club=) I hope I'll put myself in right forms=)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hi, everybody!
The first part of my today was not so good, but secooond^^Today we(I and my mum) have guest. It was my lovely Godfather, who will go with me on Tarja concert in May. He how me very like rock, metal and cool music=) We have very good time of laugthing, talking..=) Beatuiful evening:3 Now, I want to show you my evening outfit and this shadow, which I drew yesterday=)


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Uwful day

My today was such a "nightmare"... We got 3rd place of five in history game...I have two on German, language, which I hate. I want to be a English-Finish translator and don't think that German cam be useful for me. I quarrel with my mum about my progress, 'cause I have only two threes in algebra, another marks, that much more are fourties. She occuse me of I don't have any fives, but I am so tired. My nerves are very very bad... More problems, more tired,but have a little time...This evening I found one hour to reading book - "Idiot" by Dostoevsky - my favourite classic author. And how you spent today?
Sleep well! I post you tomorrow=)

Monday, January 14, 2013

The day before tomorrow

Hi, all!
Tomorrow will be the BIG day for me. I will tale part in the history game. Because of it I am so nervous... Brr! I frightened! Damn it! I don't be fool tomorrow. I really preparing for this event.... AAaaaaaa! I have panic.... Funny situation.. Maybe you can sent to me something to encourage myself? Ohhh.. I really nervous.. I don't know what to do.. Maybe this fox can help me? Exactly, I am crazy...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sad film

Today was really lazy day for me. I reading wikipedia artical about Battle of Stalingrad, but it wasn't interest. I read chronical of this battle yeterday and that was REALLY interesting. I was reading it for five hours! But read only small part. I finished my reading in the deep night. I was full of entusiasm and after reading I became watch the film "The Mask". Funny film with Jim Carrey in the main role. Also today on free time I read his biografy=) Today film was "The Firl with Dragon Tatto". Stig Larsson trilogy are my favourite, but I am not like screening. It hasn't got some main details, which are in book. But the final of film was full of emotions. I cry of it. Tomorrow I will go to school and I hope that I won't be ill after it. I have to stay on Tuesday in school, 'cause we have history game(the theme is Battle of Stalingrad) and this is very important to me=)
Lisbeth Salander - the main character of the film
Well, have a good dreams, dears!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Imaginaerum Tour Book

Yesterday I brought my Imaginaerum Tour Book from NW-shop. It was WOW! And also many other cool things happened yesterday. Such as that Anette Olzon waiting her third baby. I am very happy about her and her family! Congratulations, Anette! But I think only me continue believe that Anette come back to Nightwish. I would be the best present for my B-day, New Year and Christmas... But it hasn't happened...I am very sad about it and always think about my dream.. God, please, let it happen!
And for you photos from Imaginaerum Tour Book, on which photos with Nightwish with Anette! Not with Floor!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another photos...

..which I find in my phone=) They are from Holiday House, where I was at weekend. The weather was very snowy. The snowflakes were very big and beatiful=) Hope, you don't ill now, but I yes. I have the sore throat. Now it is hard to talk=( Enjoy your day and don't be ill!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Boring days

These two days were too boring to tell about them. I watched films or movies, lay on the bed, sat in the Inthernet...Films, which I watched are:
  • Hoodwinked
  • Hoodwinked Too! Hood VS. Evil
  • Sherlock Holmes
  •  Puss in Boots
  •  Man inside my head 
Many films/movies, isn't it? Today is the last day of my holidays. Tomorrow will be very hard day, because we'll have seven difficult lessons. 

Enjoy your day!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ortodox Christmas

I wish you all a Merry Christamas again! But now it is "my" Christmas, 'cause I am ortodox believer. My mum have gone to the church this evening to the icon-bearing procession. I understand her. The church is much for her. Mother go for Big Religious holidays or some sorrow occurence. Sometimes for no special reason. But it is her deicision=) Happy Christmas to you!