Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Recollections about my past life

Today I visited my ex-music school, 'cause I have already finished education in it. I wanted to knew if my sol-fa teacher still work in school. Yes, she is working. Yoppie! I want to visit music school again today, but one or two hours later. She will be in it today=) Really want to see her!
Music school is a small, but important part of my past life. Touch the recollection today....
Have a nice day!

Can't sleep...

Tonight I talked with Jenya. We had a "soul" talk. About really important things for us, about our lifes, 'cause from every day it stay more harder. But I hope that won't be forever. The white string of life will start for me soon, only I have to wait... Hmmm... I think I have already said it. This phrase now was becoming to stay my life slogan... About Anette. I said that she would come back to Nightwish. Now, I don't sure on 100%... On 50% - maybe yes, maybe no=)
My thinks come back to my past....My past life. I changed very much from that time. Stay more calm start think about my future career=) My interest changed, I think to better side. Exactly, I hope xDD That time when I was naive little girl. That was only 1,5 years ago... Too close and too far... Sleep well, I hope you don't have dillemes such these!

This photo is from that time.

Monday, October 29, 2012

New boots, umbrella and my art=)

 Today I went to shop and  buy winter boots. They are rock! I chose them with my friend Jenya. We had wonderful time! After buying we went to cafe and drunk coffee=)
And yesterday my mum bought to me new umbrella^^ On it there are giraffes. South Africa trees=) Yoppie!
This I draw to my fanfic. This fox named Ketty=)
Sleep well!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm going..

 ..to bed=) Sleep well, dears! This is a great song, which I've listen this two days=) Hanz Zimmer is a very good composer. He also wrote the soundtrack to the Pirats Of The Caribean=) I realy like this film=) 


All yesterday evening and today since 15.00 o'clock I have been talking with Dasha=) It's great! We talk about different themes such as games, ficwritening, skype, computers... And others. Tomorrow I will go to doctor. Brrr! I'll kill 3 hours! Now, write continuation, but I'm so laaazyyy. Again=)
This, I made two years ago... Time goes very fast!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Today I were in it. I was so nervous about it.'Cause the doctors want me to stay in hospital. But my mum said No, because in that occurrence I will be keep one's bed with children which has temperature near 40. She don't want it. If I had done it, I would have had another illnesses. Oh, my holidays started great!:-(
This is my "home" outfit=)
 Sleep well, now=)


....these amazing and majestic photos on my phone:) I made them on...mmm...last Thursday:) That was rainy day, and I thing this photos are magic. Autumn mood. Yesterday  we had first snow!
And two hours ago, I had a important talk with my mother about my studying. It's also important, but I don't like some things from it. Such as physics. I can't understand it at all.
Sleep well now, dear!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Today, I wrote my fanfic, met my friends, so now I want to tell more about all this day=)First, this is my outfit for today=)

My friends came to me,  that I don't be bored=) We played cards, had pillow fights, and talked about many things, which are important to us. Next day, I will go to doctor. Brr! I'm very nervous on it... Okay, about my fanfic.. I wrote accounts, but no wrote diologis=) This part of it will be six. And the name of this part I still think=) Have a nice evening!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finally ILL!

It's very very bad, but now I'm keep one's bed! Ohhhh... Maybe I'll go to hospital...It's VERY VERY BAD! The good thing is, that I have internet on my phone and can write to you from it. But I hope, that I will haven't to do it=) Enjoy your day and I record my another cover of Storytime to you=)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bad day

Today it was hard to being at school, 'cause I have had a stomachache. And maybe tommorow I'm staying at home. Damn it! Tommorow our class is taking part in debats. At school we choose a president: 10 and 11 classes  present two candidates(boy and girl) from each class.
In the evening I watch the horrow film -  panic button. It isn't been so nice and I don't want to recommend it. And the end of it is awful and very strange.
Also I found cool music group in YouTube=) They called Victorians and they are new group, I want to listen their first album. This video amazed me=) Have a nice day tomorrow and don't be ill!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 Today I go to traning and have more positive emotions! And at school we had six lessons, this is less one that usually. It was so nice, and I could take a rest. I watch theRatatouille - really kind and good movie=) Look it up:) Oh, I forgot that I want to add you some photos from my today outfit. Love this cute boots^^ Sleep well!

Monday, October 22, 2012


.. I wrote a new quatrain on the maths lesson!

My blood on my lips,
His corpse on the way.
Death everywhere, save yourself,
Run from this satanic place!

I think that it's very dark and sometimes sinister..What are you think?


..from Alice in Wonderland, which I found today=) There are very mystic and fascinated!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good night!

To all of you, who read it=) Today I made plan  part of my  fanfic( If now you still don't understand this word, it is story of films, soap operas, movies, animes, books, about real famous people or your own story). It is SO big=) I like it very much! And on these days I have made more extemporizations in piano. It helps me write music for my own song=) Have you read my post about pets? Don't think that I from Greenpeace, it's only my request not to kill your pets or mongrels. It (killings) characterizes you as a killer!

And now, sleep well!

Hi, all!

Today I want to talk about pets. Exactly about attitude to them. Few days ago I saw some horrible pictures. On them one boy killed the dog. This is inhumanity! From the first school days we are taught to look after  animals. If you input the phrase "kill animals", you will see pictures, on that subject. These animals faithful to them, usually love these cruel people! I can't stand them and I DON'T WANT! 'Cause I supporse that is very bad and animals are our little-broters. I don't add some photos that I found in internet, everyone can find them if (s)he wants. I add photos of happy and cute foxs, which is one of my favourites animals.
Please, in any situation stay "people"!

Friday, October 19, 2012


Oh, I finally wrote my history olympic! Many days of hard working only for this day! I wish, that I'll go into district tour=) Make your fingers crossed)
And for this day the music band support me in their music=) And the song of the day is "Looking glass"
Ohhh, there is very hard and nervous week! Thank you, that you reading my blog=) I'm become very happy, when I see "statistics views") Thank you! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Headache from hell!

My head is cleaved on thousends little parties...It is very very bad, 'cause I have also stomachache and it' s hardly to going...The world is rounding....Ohhhh! Hate this state! Medicine don't help me now=( The head has more and more pain...
And yesterday I wrote my new fanfic about childhood American McGee's Alice. Now it has 2 likes and this is great=) And I must study history now,'cause I take part in history olympiad. It's too difficult, but if I want to be translater, I'll  do it=) Sleep well!
 P.S And I change my profil from "google +" to "blogger"=)

Monday, October 15, 2012


 ...my own little holiday^^ I bought baccate cake, my lovely soda=)  It is my little secret reason to have this exultation. Now, I am sitting on internet and communicating with Dasha in ICQ. It is the most happy evening in this mounth!

And today I re-write my geografy table. It was too big!
I am very happy now and print some more photos for my shelves=)
Sleep well!


...my fanfic yesterday:) At the weekend I wrote 3 pages A4! This is great! And now I'm sitting at school on biology lesson. We listen about humans:) Enjoy your day, I will write you soon!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I didn't want show to you, that maybe I am like vanilka... I do not belong to this subculture.  And haven't wanted. But I am very like, that the boy, who I love, said "Hello, Tanya" to me... My soul start sing, how I write in my poem... Ohh, forget to say...This poem change to song lyric=) And now, I writing music to it=) I digress.. Continue the theme about this boy. Today I tell about to my close friend, about that he said to me that I had to took care. - generalized.
This is do my soul "warm"... Enjoy your evening!

Have a...

..very nice day=) But very tired) I went for a walk with my ex-literature teacher. We went in park and have very good time) And our Russian teacher at school  have been ill=(
Then, I came to another park (It's on another side of street) and visit important for me places. Nostalgia..... Now, I read news in my group and drink tea. Want to write my new fanfic, but I'm lazyyyyyyy... Hmm... I will send a letter to Dasha about it, she exactly push me for achievements=) 
Have a nice evening!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

And today...

Anette with Kirsti-Nortia Holopainen and Plamen Dimov
...Anette restart to write in her blog! Yeah....And still hope that she returns to Nightwish....I sure in it! We have to wait some moths or only weeks!=) Enjoy your day! And sleep well!


Yesterday we  ( I and my classmates) visited th nice town in UnderMoscow=) Do you know Segrie Radonezhskiy?
It beatiful chuch town with wonderful churches was built in different centures! And we feed birds! It was great!